MedEvac – Pilotin (*) aus Canada.
(Ausschnitte aus Ihrer Vorstellung beim Pilots for 9/11 Truth Forum, mit ihrer Erlaubnis und mit besten Grüßen an das LFFÖ)
Jen ist seit 7 Jahren Pilotin mit 5.000 (!!!) Flugstunden zum Großteil auf einer Mitsubishi MU2 (einer der schönsten 2-Mot. Turboprops die je gebaut wurden) – über den einsamen Weiten Canada’s.
Das Cockpit teilt sie mit Michelle (s. Bild).
„Manchmal ist die ganze Crew, inklusive Ärztin, weiblich. Da kann es schon vorkommen, daß die Leute an der Rampe stehen, uns zum Flieger gehen sehen und fragen – wo sind denn die Piloten?“
Posted by TPE331-10 Nov 1 2006, 11:31 PM
HI all!!
New here, and loving this site already.
My name is Jen, and I am currently working as a medevac pilot up in Canada, flying a MU2. It's loads of fun.
Here is a pic of myself and the other girl I used to fly with, we were co captianing that day.....and it was my day to be first officer!!

I'm on the right.
And one of my beast.

Posted by Zapzarap Nov 2 2006, 12:08 AM
Welcome Jen!
The Mitsubishi is a very special plane! A pilot I know is flying various jet-prop planes and he some years ago had a job flying a MU2. He talked of her like talking about his girl.
And TWO girls in one Mitsubishi cockpit !!!
He will not believe me, when I tell him.
It is great to have you here.
Posted by TPE331-10 Nov 2 2006, 05:59 AM
Thanks everyone!!!
Guess I should add a bit of background info for you all.
I have been working as a pilot for the past 7 years, 5.5 of those flying medevacs, and 4.5 of that in my beloved mu2. I have around 5000 hours. There was a time when I would have considered that a lot, but since I have that many now, it's not much...heh.
Zap, you can let your friend know that there have been a large number of chick flyers of that plane. Infact, on many occasions we had an all female crew (medic included) and people would stand there on the ramp after we exited and ask where the pilots were...LOL.
We fly anywhere, at any time. I live on a pager. The most interesting stuff I do involves very short gravel runways in the north. Those circling approaches at night during a snow storm can be a bit challenging.

No one I consider a friend believes the 911 'official' crap either. I am sure there will be a few people I know showing up here hopefully.

example of where we fly.....

„Wir fliegen überallhin, zu jeder Zeit. Ich lebe mit dem Pager. Am interessantesten wird es, wenn ich es mit kurzen Schotter-Pisten im Norden zu tun habe. Eine Herausforderung können aber diese Circling Approaches bei Nacht und Schneesturm sein.
Posted by Zapzarap: Nov 3 2006, 09:46 AM
Amazing and exciting, Jen!
Not surprising, that you feel, 5.000 hours is not that much with the enormous distances over there in Canada.
You know, most of the business flights we do to our neighbour countries like Germany, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia are 1h flights or less. Sometimes not even worthwhile climbing higher than FL 200, because you’d have to get ready for descent before reaching cruising ALT.
May I quote your posts in our pilots forum ? They sure will be excited too.
best rgds
(*) MedEvac = Evakuierung verletzter Personen
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