Volkswagen des Himmels

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Volkswagen des Himmels

Post by LOWA » 6. Feb 2006, 09:01

Der Volkswagen des Himmels

Deutschland, Bayern, München

Es ist ein bislang nicht erreichter Rekord im Zeitalter der Düsenjets: In diesen Tagen liefert Boeing das 5000. Exemplar der 737-Baureihe aus - Betreiber wird der US-Billigflieger Southwest Airlines sein, der mit rund 420 dieser Flugzeuge die weltgrößte 737-Flotte unterhält. Damit ist der kleine Jet, von dem es seit dem Urtyp aus dem Jahre 1968 ein gutes Dutzend weiterentwickelte Versionen gibt, sozusagen zum Volkswagen der Lüfte geworden - und allein die Statistik beeindruckt.

Mehr als 6000 Exemplare dieser Kurzstreckenjets wurden in den vergangenen 38 Jahren bestellt, 1133 Aufträge liegen derzeit noch vor; allein für dieses Baumuster konnte Boeing mehr Bestellungen ins Haus holen als Airbus für seine gesamte Typenfamilie. Zurzeit sind weltweit 4200 Boeing 737 im Einsatz; die gesamte 737-Flotte hat bei mehr als 232 Millionen Flügen bislang rund zwölf Milliarden Passagiere befördert. Insgesamt verlassen sich etwa 375 Fluggesellschaften rund um den Globus auf den Erfolgs-Jet und fliegen 192 Länder und Territorien an - zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit sind rund 1250 Boeing 737 weltweit am Himmel, im 4,6-Sekunden-Rhythmus startet oder landet eine der Maschinen.

Einer der Initiatoren für den seit Jahrzehnten anhaltenden Erfolg war Gerhard Höltje, Mitgründer der Nachkriegs-Lufthansa und seinerzeit Technik-Vorstand der Fluggesellschaft. Bereits im September 1961 war ihm klar, dass die Lufthansa auch auf den Kurz- und Mittelstrecken ein Düsenflugzeug brauchte, wie es bereits mit der Boeing 707 auf Langstrecken unterwegs war; der damals in der Entwicklung befindliche Dreistrahler Boeing 727, den die Deutschen ebenfalls bestellt hatten, war zu groß für kurze Hüpfer. Also reiste Gerhard Höltje mehrere Male zu Boeing nach Seattle und präsentierte den Ingenieuren genaue Vorgaben, wie sein Wunschflugzeug aussehen sollte - zwei Triebwerke, weniger als hundert Sitze, leicht und sparsam im Betrieb sowie geeignet für kurze Pisten, die damals an vielen von Lufthansa angeflogenen Flughäfen noch gang und gäbe waren.

Boeing zögerte zunächst und entschloss sich erst zum Bau des Modells 737-100, als Lufthansa am 22. Februar 1965 insgesamt 21 Exemplare bestellte. Der Vorgang sorgte zu jener Zeit für Schlagzeilen - noch nie hatte es eine nicht-amerikanische Fluggesellschaft gegeben, die zum Erstkunden für einen neuen US-Flugzeugtyp wurde. Am 4. September 1967 hob das kurze, gedrungene Flugzeug mit den beiden Triebwerken unter den Tragflächen zum Erstflug ab - bald tauften die Piloten den Jet wegen seines Aussehens auf den Spitznamen "Schweinchen". Am 10. Februar 1968 dann stellte die Lufthansa als erste Gesellschaft der Welt eine Boeing 737 in Dienst - mit dem Kennzeichen D-ABEA und dem Taufnamen Coburg. Der Zweistrahler hatte Platz für 84 Passagiere, 2000 Kilometer Reichweite und war auf Kurzstrecken effizienter als die 727. So verbrauchte die 737 nur 3200 Liter Kerosin pro Flugstunde gegenüber 4125 Liter bei der 727 und kostete statt 18,5 Millionen Mark nur 13 Millionen Mark. Bei der Entwicklung dieses Flugzeuges nutzten die Boeing-Ingenieure so viele Synergien wie möglich: 60 Prozent der mehr als 300 000 Bauteile, aus denen seinerzeit eine 737 bestand, waren identisch mit jenen der 727.

Und die Erfolgsgeschichte des kleinen Jets nimmt kein Ende: Inspiriert vom Erfolg des aus der 737 abgeleiteten Geschäftsreiseflugzeugs Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) soll es bald eine 737-700ER geben, die über 10 200 Kilometer Reichweite verfügen wird - weit jenseits der ursprünglichen Aufgabe eines Kurzstreckenjets. Gleichzeitig sind die Ingenieure im Boeing-Werk Renton mit einem anderen Superlativ auf der Zielgeraden: Das Baumuster 737-900ER soll bis zu maximal 215 Fluggäste auf Entfernungen bis zu 5900 Kilometer befördern.

Der technische Fortschritt innerhalb dieser 38 Jahren wird deutlich, wenn man die derzeit ebenfalls in Arbeit befindliche Kurzstart-Version der 737-800 zu Grunde legt - dieser Jet soll mit bis zu 177 Passagieren auf nur 1465 Meter kurzen Pisten, zum Beispiel also auf dem Stadtflughafen Rio de Janeiro, sicher starten; der Urtyp 737-100 brauchte mit 84 Fluggästen noch 1660 Meter Startbahn zum Abheben. Die 737-800, mit 1524 Bestellungen erfolgreichste Variante, hatte ebenfalls einen deutschen Geburtshelfer: Erstkunde war 1998 der Ferienflieger Hapagfly. Andreas Spaeth

Quelle: Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 04.02.2006
Glück ab, gut Land!

LOWA - Wien's einstiger Flughafen, 1912 - 1977

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Post by N5528P » 13. Feb 2006, 18:44

James Wallace vom Seattle Post - Intelligencer wrote:Boeing delivers its 5,000th 737
After a bumpy youth that it almost didn't survive, jet ages into a 'timeless classic'

February 13, 2006

With the canary yellow and silver jet with black trim back on the ground after its maiden flight, Boeing President Bill Allen was asked about the future of the 737. The company's newest jet had taken off from Boeing Field two hours earlier and, after cruising around Puget Sound, landed at Paine Field in Everett, where reporters gathered around a smiling Allen.

Boeing employees sit in the first-class section of a sales mockup of the 737 jetliner, about a year before the 737's maiden flight.

It was April 9, 1967. Could Boeing sell a few hundred planes? someone asked Allen. "A few hundred?" Allen replied in mock amazement. "You are being conservative." Today, Boeing will deliver its 5,000th 737 to Southwest Airlines, the world's biggest low-cost airline,which tied its fortunes to a jet that almost didn't make it.

Last year, Boeing sold 575 of the single-aisle jets. It was the first time more than 500 orders had been placed in one year for any Boeing commercial jetliner. Boeing has 45 orders so far in 2006, which pushes the 737 backlog to 1,154 planes that have been ordered but not yet built.

"It's a timeless classic," said Richard Aboulafia, senior aviation analyst with the Teal Group, an industry consulting firm. "The baby Boeing reached adulthood very successfully." No other commercial jetliner made by Boeing, Airbus or the former McDonnell Douglas has achieved such widespread popularity. More than 4,100 737s are in service around the world, with 541 operators. The plane has carried an estimated 12 billion passengers more than 65 billion nautical miles. An estimated 1,250 737s are in the air at any time.

It has been an amazing run for a plane that some Boeing executives thought should never have been built, and that others thought should have been built in Wichita, Kan. Nearly canceled before adolescence when sales slowed to a trickle, the plane nicknamed "Fat Albert" by some pilots because of its stubby shape pushed its way into Boeing's history book, and its heart, with one tiny order at a time, usually in some faraway country.

The 737 is The Boeing Co.'s most popular jetliner. The company sold 575 of them last year and has 45 orders so far in 2006.

The plane that would become the 737 got under way with a study authorized by Allen in 1964. By then, Douglas Aircraft Corp. in Long Beach, Calif., was already working on a short-haul twinjet, the DC-9. It first flew in the summer of 1966. Also coming into service was the British BAC 111 twinjet.

As the pre-launch engineering progressed, Boeing's sales force went looking for customers. The best bets looked to be Eastern and United airlines and the German carrier Lufthansa. All three were also considering the DC-9. On Feb. 19, 1965, the Lufthansa board gave the OK to order 21 of the 737s after getting Allen's promise that Boeing would not drop the program for lack of orders. Within a week, Eastern ordered the DC-9. In April, though, United ordered 40 737s and took options on 30 more.

There was much debate within Boeing whether the plane should be built in Seattle or in Wichita. Seattle won, although Wichita wound up building major parts of the plane, including the fuselage. But the Renton plant was too busy with 707 and 727 production. So Boeing purchased a few acres on East Marginal Way across from Boeing Field. Production of the 737 started there, in what was known as Building 14-01. Production moved to the Renton plant in late 1970.

Only 30 of the 737-100 models were ever built. United needed a slightly larger plane, so Boeing stretched the body by 6 feet to accommodate 115 passengers rather than the 102-seat configuration for Lufthansa. In 1970, only 37 planes were ordered. Serious consideration was given within Boeing to cutting its losses and pulling the production plug on the 737.

In an interview with the industry publication Flight International before his recent death, Jack Steiner, the legendary Boeing airplane designer who had insisted the 737 have the same fuselage cross-section as that of the 727, revealed that Boeing was so desperate it considered selling the entire 737 program to the Japanese aerospace industry. "I can't tell you we would have gone through with it," he told the magazine, "but the intention was there. We were broke."

The early 737 design called for a T-tail with the engines mounted on the rear fuselage. Joe Sutter, who would soon go on to fame as chief engineer of the 747, came up with the idea of mounting the 737 engines hard under the wing.

During the first few years of 737 production, Boeing concentrated on overseas sales. Because the 737 could operate from unimproved runways -- gravel, dirt or grass -- the plane found a home in Africa and later Canada. Gradually, the 737 order book grew. But those orders came in small numbers, with one or two airplanes sold at a time.

One such order came from a new low-fare carrier, Southwest Airlines, which took three white-tail 737-200s on a conditional sales agreement -- Boeing financed 90 percent of Southwest's costs. A white-tail plane is one that has been built but has no customer. Today, Southwest has nearly 500 737s in its fleet.By 1978, 737-200 orders stood at 543 planes, placed by 70 customers. That was better than the DC-9. In 1984, a new 737 was delivered to launch customer Southwest. It was the 737-300, the first of what became the "classics." It was longer than the 737-200 and had new engines that were less noisy and more fuel-efficient.

The stretch 737-400 for launch customer Piedmont Airlines came along in 1988, followed by the shorter 737-500 model for Southwest in 1987. In the 1990s, Boeing began talking with Southwest and other airlines about a significantly improved 737 with greater range and operating efficiency. Those talks would lead to the development of the "next generation" family of 737s. Southwest took delivery of the first, the 737-700, in 1997. Since then, Boeing has developed the 737-600, 737-800 and 737-900.

There's more to come. Boeing is developing a variant of the 737-900 that will seat up to 215 passengers in one class and a variant of the 737-700 with more range. With up to nine optional auxiliary fuel tanks and optional blended winglets, the 737-700ER will be capable of flying up to 5,510 nautical miles. The 737 already has the range to fly non-stop across the United States and across the Atlantic. "It would have been inconceivable years ago there would one day be versions of the 737 that could fly 6,000 nautical miles," said Aboulafia, the analyst.

Modified versions of the 737 are sold as private business jets. The military likes the 737, too. It is being developed as an airborne early warning and control plane for Australia and as a submarine hunter for the U.S. Navy.

But the 737 has serious competition from Airbus. The Airbus A320 single-aisle family of jets has been winning at least 50 percent of the market against the 737. Airbus sold more than 900 of its single-aisle jets in 2005.

As the battle continues, both airplane makers are studying an all-new replacement for their single-aisle offerings. Boeing's 737 replacement could be ready around 2012 to 2015, Boeing executives have said. It will have a composite airframe like the 787 Dreamliner. A couple of thousand more 737s could roll out of the Renton plant before that replacement plane takes flight. The last of the 737 classics was rolled out of the Renton plant on Dec. 9, 1999.

Among the Boeing executives who spoke that day was then-Chairman Phil Condit, who appeared before several thousand current and former Boeing employees at the rollout ceremony. "There are a lot of people a number of years ago who would have taken bets in large amounts with phenomenal odds that we would not be here today," he said.


1964: Boeing Chairman Bill Allen announces a study for a new plane that will become the 737.

Feb. 1965: The 737-100 is announced.

Jan. 17, 1967: First 737 is rolled out.

April 9, 1967: First 737 test flight.

Dec. 28, 1967: First 737 is delivered to a customer airline, Lufthansa.

Feb. 10, 1968: Commercial 737 service begins on Lufthansa.

April 28, 1968: 737-200 enters service with United.

Dec. 7, 1984: 737-300 enters service with Southwest.

Oct. 1, 1988: 737-400 enters service with Piedmont.

March 2, 1990: 737-500 (last of the "classic" 737 models) enters service with Southwest.

Nov. 17, 1993: Boeing board of directors authorizes Next-Generation 737 program.

Sept. 5, 1994: Next-Generation 737-800 launched at Farnborough Air Show in England.

July 2, 1996: Boeing launches Boeing Business Jet derived from 737-700 model.

July 31, 1997: 737-800 makes its first flight.

Dec. 17, 1997: Boeing delivers first 737-700 to launch customer Southwest Airlines.

Jan. 22, 1998: 737-600, smallest Next-Generation plane, makes its first flight.

Sept. 18, 1998: Boeing delivers first 737-600 to SAS.

Dec. 9, 1999: Last "classic" model 737 rolls off the assembly line.

Aug. 3, 2000: First flight of 737-900.

May 8, 2001: Blended winglets make their debut with German carrier Hapag-Lloyd Flug.

July 18, 2005: Boeing launches higher capacity, longer range 737-900ER.
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