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ncident: Air India A320 over Pakistan on Oct 3rd 2009, unruly flight and cabin crew
By Simon Hradecky, created Sunday, Oct 4th 2009 13:44Z, last updated Sunday, Oct 4th 2009 13:44Z
An Air India Airbus A320-200, flight IC-884 from Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) to Lucknow (India) with 106 passengers and 7 crew, was enroute overhead Pakistan about 3 hours into the flight and about 45 minutes prior to estimated landing, when the co-pilot and a flight attendant engaged in a serious dispute in the cockpit. The cockpit was cleared by pushing the flight attendant out of the cockpit and locking the cockpit door. The crew continued for a safe landing in Lucknow, and performed the next leg to New Delhi as well.
Air India subsequently suspended both flight crew and two cabin crew pending investigation.
Police reported the flight attendant filed charges against the co-pilot claiming, he had made sexual remarks during the preflight briefing in Sharjah. She demanded an apology, however claimed was molested instead and when she resisted was pushed out of the cocpit. Police confirmed, that the flight attendant had received bruises and injuries to her hand.
The co-pilot denied, that any scuffle had taken plane, but filed charges against the purser (lead flight attendant) of gross misconduct seriously compromising the flight's safety.
The police is investigating based on the criminal charges brought against the co-pilot and the captain.
India's Directorate General of Civil Aviation DGAC is outraged about the incident and has ordered an investigation, too.